onsdag 8. februar 2012

Skikonkurranser for Christina / Skiing-competitions for Christina

Nydelig vær og godt med sne har gjort at det har vært en glede å reise til Sirdalen for at Christina skulle konkurrere i slalom og stor-slalom. Det er ofte 80-90 som konkurrerer, fra fire ulike skiklubber, så det er et stort miljø og mye aktivitet. Og familien er med og heier, Heia Christina!
Beautiful weather and good snow-conditions have made it a pleasure to travel to Sirdalen, a mountain area 2 hours from our house, where Christina has participated in several skiing-competitions, both in slalom and giant slalom. There are 80-90 athletes at each competition, from four different ski sport clubs, so there is a lot of people and activity surrounding these events. And the family is always cheering for our favourite athlete: Go Christina!

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