mandag 17. mai 2010

17 mai 2010 - Norwegian Constitution Day

17 mai 2010 var en strålende dag, sol og blå himmel, men ganske kald vind når det blåste. Barnetog fra torget og leker på idrettshuset var populære faste innslag på festdagen. Også ungdommen gikk i tog, under fanen til menigheten sin her lokalt.
May 17 is the Norwegian Constitution Day, celebrating the Constitution of May 17, 1814, The weather was beautiful, but there was a cold breeze when we walked in the parade. Many are wearing the traditional Norwegian outfits, called "bunad", with different designs indicating the area of origin. Each year the graduates from highschool have their own parades and costumes, red or blue coveralls and hats and some have red or blue cars decorated with logos or slogans, and this day is the peak of their celebration after completing High School.